Balanced diet - daily work

Many people think that during the transition to proper nutrition they should radically change their diet and give up all their favorite foods. It does not. Improving health can be as simple as switching from white bread to whole grain bread. Making such small changes in diet can bring great health benefits.

Proper nutrition is not a diet. Diet is a short-term dietary restriction, often extreme. Athletes follow a strict diet before competitions, women - in the spring or before a significant event for themselves (wedding, vacation). However, the disadvantage of the diet is that you constantly want to break it, eat a forbidden product. And even after the whole diet, often after its completion again gain weight.

There are dietary restrictions that are required during a particular illness. For example, during gastritis, diet is a mandatory part of treatment and allows you to reduce or increase the acidity of the stomach (depending on which gastritis - with low or high acidity). Most often, diets are stressful for the body, and they can be seriously harmful. For example, a carbohydrate-free diet is dangerous for people with kidney disease because it is loaded with protein. Proper nutrition is a change in lifestyle and eating habits, a person eats enough, is not hungry, so there are almost no breakdowns.

Do you need to eat a balanced diet all your life?

Yes, you need to eat a balanced diet all your life, but this does not mean that one day you need to completely change your lifestyle. Forming good habits is a long process. It is better to go up the stairs than by elevator and walk to the store than to get there by car. With proper nutrition, you can eat everything, but within reasonable limits, and remember that baked or boiled - better than fried, homemade food - better than fast food. It is better to avoid very salty, sweet, fatty and alcohol.

There are no benefits to the body from industrially processed foods (sausages, candies, sausages): they often contain a lot of salt, sugar and other useful components (eg, trans fats).